Don’t settle for standard savings rates. Step it up with the tiered interest our money markets can bring to your balance.
Key Features
Tiered Interest
Direct Check Writing
Digital Banking
- Competitive, tiered rates — higher balances earn higher rates1
- Enjoy flexibility with enhanced access to funds, including direct check writing:
- In person transfers from this account to another account in the bank or cash withdrawals are unlimited.
- The first six transfers to another account or to third parties by preauthorized, automatic, telephone, computer, mobile device or by check, draft, debit card or similar order are free. There will be a $5 Excess MMD transaction charge for each debit exceeding six during the month.
- Avoid $7.50 monthly balance fee by maintaining a $2,500 minimum daily balance
- Free digital banking services, including:
- Free online banking
- Free mobile banking
- Free eStatements
- $2,500 minimum deposit to open
1We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. We may change the interest rate on your account at any time. Fees may reduce earnings.